When we work in the helping sector the intersection between our personal and professional life can blur because of the nature of our work and the way it shapes our view of the world. The stories that get shared can latch on to us, making it difficult to shake off the sadness.
This workshop acknowledges that managing our emotional health can be a juggle. Coping with the competing demands of our families and work can place pressure on ourselves. What would it look like to apply a new lens to the way we make decisions? To tap in to what is important to us, what we value and then use those ideas to strive for balance.
This workshop brings together current evidence based research on compassion fatigue, the impact of vicarious trauma and positive values-based strategies that staff can take away and begin using immediately.
This one hour workshop is targeted at Allied Health professionals, support workers and volunteers as well as Human Resources staff tasked with supporting people at challenging times. It has been run for NSW State Government agencies and not-for-profit charities looking to upskill their staff in looking after themselves.
Click My Career 20140517 to read my thoughts on the topic!
To enquire about whether this workshop would be useful for your organisation please contact events@sarahwayland.com.au